AEQUITAS Law Firm - Animal Welfare - WorldMonitor

AEQUITAS Law Firm – Animal Welfare

Raising awareness among citizens and relevant organizations regarding the Animal Law

The purpose and objectives of the project:

  1. participation in law-drafting activities on responsible animal treatment and humane attitude to animals in Kazakhstan;
  2. work to raise awareness among citizens and relevant organizations regarding the Animal Law;
  3. legal and financial support of animal shelters and animal care volunteers.

Note: All work on the project is performed on a pro bono basis.

Implementation of the project:

For many years AEQUITAS Managing Partner Olga Chentsova has been involved in the work on drafting of the Kazakhstan Law on Responsible Animal Treatment (adopted on 30 December 2021), including as a member of the working groups of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ms. Chentsova is now a member of the working group of the Ministry of Environment formed to adjust the subordinate acts relating to the Law.

AEQUITAS lawyers (at least 6-8 lawyers) regularly advise animal care foundations and shelters on the Kazakhstan law issues, including corporate, labor, administrative, and other.    

Following the initiative of Ms. Chentsova, Animal Law Committee was created under the Kazakhstan Bar Association. The Animal Law Committee is chaired by Ms. Chentsova and issues expert opinions regarding disputable issues of the animal legislation when animal protection organizations apply to the Committee and submits proposals and commentaries on improvement of the Animal Law.


  1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Responsible Animal Treatment was put into effect on 2 March 2022. In light of improper implementation of the Law by certain governmental agencies and citizens, further work is performed to clarify provisions of the Law, including as part of work of the Alliance of Animal Care Society on implementation of the Law. 
  2. Since 2017 to 2023, AEQUITAS team has assisted with setting up of 10 animal care foundations and organizations in Kazakhstan.
  3. Khvostatyi Rai dog shelter organized with the assistance of the firm in 2017 currently takes care of about 600 dogs and puppies. Over the years of its existence, Khvostatyi Rai has saved hundreds of animals from streets and animal trapping organizations, cured and found new families for them. Ms. Chentsova is a Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the public foundation “Khvostatyi Rai”.

Additional Information

  1. Ms. Olga Chentsova regularly prepares publications regarding animal protection in Kazakhstan. Her articles are published by and other media:
  2. O. Chentsova “Legal protection of animals” // Materials of the International Research and Practice Conference (as part of annual civil readings) “Civil law in the time of transformation of social relations” dedicated to 80th anniversary of the birth of M. K. Suleimenov, member of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor – 2022. – p. 351-378  ( (;-108#pos=6;-108)
  3. O. Chentsova, L. Sarsenova “Animal treatment in Kazakhstan and necessity to improve legislation” // -2019.-07.02. (
  4. O. Chentsova “We have to live in the face of anti-animal fascism” // -2019.-08.08. (
  5. O. Chentsova “Why are animals treated as things in Kazakhstan?” // -2020.-08.05. (
  6. O. Chentsova “Who are the animals and what is their status in Kazakhstan from the legal standpoint?” // – 2022.05.12
  7. O. Chentsova, L. Sarsenova, M. Baideldinova, Yu. Kovalenko “What animals will be protected by the Law on Responsible Animal Treatment?” // – 2021.10.12., .- 2021.10.12. (
  8. O. Chentsova, L. Sarsenova, M. Baideldinova, Yu. Kovalenko “Law on Responsible Animal Treatment: Who is protected and why does it not work?” //; Kazakhstan Law Review – 2023.05.16/2023. (
  9. O. Chentsova, Yu. Kovalenko, N. Ugolkova “Law criticism and critics” //; Kazakhstan Law Review – 2023.06.08-12. (;-108#pos=6;-108)
  10. The Alliance of Animal Care Society where Ms. Chentsova is a member was set up to achieve the purposes and pursue the objectives of the Law. During its work, the Alliance drafted the guidance documents clarifying the Law for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ms. Chentsova also prepared and read an online lecture on certain provisions of the Law for the animal rights activists of Kazakhstan and other persons concerned on the basis of the School of Law of KIMEP University.
  11. Mass media and social networks:
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