Efes Kazakhstan - Digitalization of HR processes - WorldMonitor

Efes Kazakhstan – Digitalization of HR processes

Improving the process of new employees’ adaptation through the digitization of HR processes:

The purpose and objectives of the project:

Goal: Improving the process of new employees’ adaptation through the digitization of HR processes: recruitment, onboarding, training and exit interviews. According to internal analytics, effective adaptation positively impacts retention, engagement, and performance within the first year of employment at the company.

Implementation of the project:

Digitization of recruitment, onboarding, training, and exit interview processes through the implementation of a chatbot.

Implementation stages:

  1. Analysis of current processes.
  2. Development of scenarios for the chatbot.
  3. Testing of scenarios and user experience (UX).
  4. Implementation.

Project stakeholders: 5 employees from HR and 4 employees from other departments.

Project duration: 10 months.

Total man-hours invested: 4,000 hours.


  1. Enhancing recruitment, onboarding, and training through process automation.
  2. Cost savings from implementation: $65,000 USD (per year), 2,016 person-hours.
  3. Elimination of human factor.
  4. Project outcomes in numbers:
  • Number of employees who passed the selection  process – 600
  • Number of employees who completed the onboarding process – 130
  • Number of employees who passed training – 468

Business Impact: Considering the increased efficiency in work standards, we observe a direct correlation with the Nielsen report, which indicates a market share growth of +1.4% compared to the period before the programs were launched.

Additional Information

https://blog.hrmessenger.com/2022/03/18/avtomatizirovannaya-adaptatsyya-sotrudnikov-efes-hrbp/   , https://blog.hrmessenger.com/2022/11/14/geroy-hr-messenger-efes-kazakhstan-adaptatsiya-dashbordy/


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